
3 Nisan 2011 Pazar

Bob Marley - Could You Be Loved Şarkı Çevirisi

Could You Be Loved
Could you be loved and be loved?
Could you be loved and be loved?

Don’t let them fool ya,
Or even try to school ya! oh, no!
We’ve got a mind of our own,
So go to hell if what you’re thinking is not right!
Love would never leave us alone,
A-yin the darkness there must come out to light.

Could you be loved and be loved?
Could you be loved, wo now! - and be loved?

(the road of life is rocky and you may stumble too,
So while you point your fingers someone else is judging you)
Love your brotherman!
(could you be - could you be - could you be loved?
Could you be - could you be loved?
Could you be - could you be - could you be loved?
Could you be - Could you be loved?)

Don’t let them change ya, oh! -
Or even rearrange ya! oh, no!
We’ve got a life to live.
They say: only - only -
Only the fittest of the fittest shall survive -
Stay alive! eh!

Could you be loved and be loved?
Could you be loved, wo now! - and be loved?

(you ain’t gonna miss your water until your well runs dry;
No matter how you treat him, the man will never be satisfied.)
Say something! (could you be - could you be - could you be loved?
Could you be - Could you be loved?)
Say something! Say something!
(Could you be - could you be - could you be loved?)
Say something! (Could you be - could you be loved?)
Say something! Say something! (Say something!)
Say something! Say something! (Could you be loved?)
Say something! Say something! reggae, reggae!
Say something! rockers, rockers!
Say something! reggae, reggae!
Say something! rockers, rockers!
Say something! (Could you be loved?)
Say something! uh!
Say something! come on!
Say something! (Could you be - could you be - could you be loved?)
Say something! (Could you be - could you be loved?)
Say something! (Could you be - could you be - could you be loved?)
Say something! (Could you be - could you be loved?)

Sevilebilir Misin
Sevilebilir misin?
Seni aptal yerine koymasınlar sakın
Hatta eğitmeye çalışmasınlar seni! hayır!
Bir aklımız var bizim
Düşündüklerin doğru değilse canın cehenneme
Sevgi bizi tek başına bırakmaz
Karanlıkta doğmak zorunda ışık
Sevilebilir misin
Hayat yolu taşlıdır
Tökezleyebilirsin de
Parmağınla gösterdiğin sürece
Yargılıyordur bir seni de
Sev kendi kardeşini
Sevilebilir misin?
Seni değiştirmesinler sakın
Hatta kurgulamasınlar seni! hayır
Yaşanacak bir hayatımız var bizim
Sadece uygunların en uygunu hayatta kalacak
Canlı kalacak diyorlar
Sevilebilir misin?
Suyunu aramazsın pınarın kuruyana kadar
Ona nasıl davranırsan davran
O hiçbir zaman tatmin olmayacak
Sevilebilir misin?
Bir şey söyle, bir şey söyle, bir şey söyle
Reggae, reggae
Bir şey söyle, sevilebilir misin?

Bob Marley - Could You Be Loved şarkı sözü çevirisi

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Music( Müzik Yabancı Şarkı Sözü Çevirileri Turkish Versions Of Lyrics,Tabb,Akor,Nota,gitar,piyano,keman